AI Disclaimer

At The Web Wizard Academy, we strive to provide our readers with accurate and helpful information to help them succeed in launching their website. While we create all of our content ourselves and conduct thorough research, we want to disclose that we may utilize AI technology to help us with the content creation process.

This means that we may use AI to assist in writing articles or creating images for our website. However, we want to assure our readers that all of the content on our website has been thoroughly reviewed and edited by our team of experts to ensure accuracy and quality.

We understand that the use of AI in content creation may raise concerns about authenticity and transparency. Therefore, we want to be transparent about our use of AI and assure our readers that our content is always carefully crafted and reviewed by our team.

If you have any questions or concerns about our use of AI, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Thank you for your trust in The Web Wizard Academy.